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The committee softened the language following public feedback of those revisions, which also drew critiques from some members of the Board of Education, such as Joyce Rankin, who said the inclusion of “LGBTQ” and “migration” in history standards for second graders “could be interpreted as indoctrination”, according to an 18-page document of the committee’s response to her feedback. It initially added language to include the perspectives of people of color and those in the LGBTQ community during its first draft of changes in November 2021 to comply with a state law passed three years ago that sought to increase diversity in education. The committee has been reviewing the social studies standards since last year. Proposed changes to statewide guidelines used by Colorado teachers to develop curriculum for history and civics classes include fewer mentions of people of color and those in the LGBTQ community, the latest draft of the revisions showed.Ī committee tasked with reviewing the standards told the state Board of Education last month that it planned to remove references to people in the LGBTQ community from the revised framework for students below the fourth grade following public feedback that questioned the “age appropriateness” of having students learn about their perspectives and experiences. Digital Replica Edition Home Page Close Menu

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